In this privacy policy, "this app" means Subnet Mask app.
This app uses AdMob for advertising. AdMob embedded in this app automatically sends certain information to Google. This app receives information used to control AdMob from Google, and the received information is used only for AdMob. AdMob is a Google's product. For more information on how Google's products use data, please visit this Google's page.
The dialog to asks for your consent to use your personal data is shown in version 2.1 or later if you are in the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United Kingdom.
The setting screen of this app has 'Reset your data sharing configurations' after you 'consent' or 'confirm choices' on the dialog except the app doesn't have an internet connection.
The dialog to asks for your consent to use your personal data is shown again when you tap 'Reset your data sharing configurations'.
This app may ask you to rate using the features of iOS. Your rating and review will be sent to the App Store.